全国服务热线: 0411 83635150
After several years' development, Synco has grown into research and commercial manufacture base in the field of new type Agrochemicals,Pharmaceutical Intermediates, Biochemicals, Speciality Chemicals, Polymers and Sealing technology and products solutions. Great progress has been made in the commercialization of high-innovation technology. Meantime, we have established the solid relationship with the friends and partners both home and abroad.
公司名称: Dalian Synco Chemical Co., Ltd. 公司类型: 贸易公司 (贸易公司)
所 在 地: 辽宁/大连 公司规模: 2.5 百万 - 5 百万
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 贸易公司
经营范围: After several years' development, Synco has grown into research and commercial manufacture base in the field of new type Agrochemicals,Pharmaceutical Intermediates, Biochemicals, Speciality Chemicals, Polymers and Sealing technology and products solutions
化工 / 化学助剂
Dalian Synco Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • 地址:大连
  • 电话:0411 83635150
  • 邮件:daisy@syncochemie.com
  • 传真:0411 83635150
  • 联系人:Leng Daisy